After six years of meaningful collaborative research and technology development, the Natural Gas Futures consortium will wind down operations in 2024 upon the completion of three final projects.

Fugitive Emissions in Liquefied Natural Gas Transmission, Storage, and Distribution

Eliminating fugitive methane emissions and reducing the cost of LNG storage and distribution improve the environmental impact and increases savings. This project creates validated modelling tools to optimize equipment designs, simplify transfer protocols and propose emissions management strategies. The project also evaluates technologies for boil-off gas management including micro liquefaction.

Lead Researchers

WALTER MÉRIDA, Professor, Associated Dean of Research and Industrial Partnership

Department of Mechanical Engineering

System Simulation Modeling

Why Collaborate with Natural Gas Futures

Natural Gas Futures actively collaborates with a wide range of partners and is eager to develop new partnerships that will facilitate the environmental and economical use of natural gas fuel. We are committed to providing viable technologies and solutions in the context of our partners needs and constraints.

To learn more about becoming a partner, please contact:

Tel. 604 827 0790