Gas Cloud Dissipation and LNG Bunkering Safety
Vehicles and vessels fuelled with natural gas need to be kept safe in the event of an LNG spill or gas cloud vent. The world-leading tools and analysis techniques developed through this project will determine how large the flammable zones are and how they will migrate in the event of LNG spills, pressure-relief valve vents and other planned / unplanned releases of gas. The project will also evaluate the performance of alternative lower-cost materials that can survive exposure to the extreme cold of LNG.
Lead Researchers
JOSHUA BRINKERHOFF, Assistant Professor
School of Engineering, UBC-O
JASMIN JELOVICA, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
System Simulation Modeling
Isothermal Compressors
Isothermal compression promises to reduce energy consumption and reduce the...
Fugitive Emissions in LNG, Storage, and Distribution
Eliminating fugitive methane emissions and reducing the cost of LNG storage...
Why Collaborate with Natural Gas Futures
Natural Gas Futures actively collaborates with a wide range of partners and is eager to develop new partnerships that will facilitate the environmental and economical use of natural gas fuel. We are committed to providing viable technologies and solutions in the context of our partners needs and constraints.