Micro Liquefaction Technologies
Long transportation distances make LNG uneconomical for remote communities and industry. Liquefactions closer to the point of need, though less efficient, can help to reduce costs and emissions. This research examines the potential of micro-liquefier installation in remote regions of British Columbia, Yukon, and Northwest Territories for power generation.
Lead Researcher

WALTER MÉRIDA | Professor Associated Dean of Research and Industrial Partnership, Director of CERC
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Breakthrough Technologies
Organic Wastes to RNG and Biochar
We are proposing an integrated AD-pyrolysis system coupling pre-treatment, AD...
In-use Engine Emissions Mitigation
Reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from modern energy systems is...
Micro Carbon Capture and Utilization
Micro-scale carbon capturing is an innovative technology that could contribute...
Why Collaborate with Natural Gas Futures
Natural Gas Futures actively collaborates with a wide range of partners and is eager to develop new partnerships that will facilitate the environmental and economical use of natural gas fuel. We are committed to providing viable technologies and solutions in the context of our partners needs and constraints.