On July 1, 2019, Natural Gas Futures (NGF) entered into a partnership with NW Natural, a Portland-based gas utility that serves more than 750,000 homes and businesses across Oregon and Southwest Washington.
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Natural Gas Futures Researchers Awarded $2.38M in Western Economic Development
Western Economic Diversification Canada today announced $2.38 million in new funding for a project to increase the production of renewable natural...
UBC’s Clean Energy Research Centre launches $2.5 million Natural Gas Futures initiative
The International Gas Research Conference 2020 (IGRC 2020) will take place on 24-26 February 2020. Abstraction submission is underway for oral and poster presenters.
New research seeks to better transition Canada’s shipping industries to lower carbon fuels
Using computer modelling, researchers at UBC Okanagan are seeking to better understand the environmental and safety consequences of liquefied natural gas (LNG) system failures and spills.

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